picture on front cover/dust jacket
Title The Complete Bowler
Author James A Manson
Publisher Adam and Charles Black, London
First published 1912
ISBN Pre-ISBN system
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Hardback
List price Not known
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
20.1 x 13.3
Number of pages 248
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  None 14 9
Synopsis This book will, it is hoped, serve a twofold purpose. In the first place, it gives a connected sketch of the history of bowls from its inception to the present day, tracing incidentally how the fine old English game, once the favourite recreation of kings, came to be slighted as the Cinderella of pastimes, and how it was at last redeemed from its lowly and despised state.

In the second place, it explains in necessary detail - primarily, of course, for beginners, be they young or old - how the game is played, how greens are constructed and maintained, how the bowl is made, and what are its peculiarities, with much else of importance on the practical side of the pastime.

Also by James A Manson: